
Lower Blood Sugar With Exercise

Level blood sugar that are not control is problem many people because diet are not proportional. Wheras high blood sugar often contributes the metabolic syndrome that increases risk of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. Blood sugar are required boody for energy sources. However, if blood sugar are excess the body's ability will can’t cultivate blood sugar easily so glucose will be remain in the blood. It is contributes level sugar increases. Sugar in the blood contributes the pancreas to release insulin (insulin is needed body to convert sugar into energy). If level sugar are consumed high, the pancreas wiil more release insulin. The more sugar in blood, the more insulin are produced. As result, the bigger possibility people will suffer weight gain.
Besides causing obesity or overweight, high blood sugar levels are associated with more serious health conditions, including mood changes, decreased immune system and diabetes.

Sweating is the key in lowering blood sugar, in fact mild exercise can contribute the muscles to absorb glucose at 20 times normal levels. Sweat that is meant by implementing lifestyle a lot of motion or exercise routine. Diligent moving can burn calories and the more calories that are burnt, the more high blood sugar levels are decreases.
No need to spend lots of time to exercise. Exercise can be replaced by do more active physical activity all day with a simple way such climbing the stairs instead of using the elevator. Do at least 30 minutes of physical exercise every day.
Besides trick diligent moving how to control your blood sugar remains normal are:

1. Reducing calorie intake.
2. Eating small meals every 4-5 hours.
3. Choosing high fiber foods, like vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts.
4. Enough sleep
5. Controlling weight
6. Reducing fat in internal organs such as around the abdomen
7. Drinking green tea without sugar

Inquisition blood sugar routinely need to be done by any one who has riskfactors for affected by diabetes. Ideally the examination is conducted in the laboratory as much as 2 time that is after 8 hours of fasting and after eating. However, the examination can also be done alone at home with the tools that are sold, with take average levels. Blood sugar levels are considered normal if the score 70-99 mg / dL, with a record is measured after fasting or not eating for 8 hours. Blood glucose levels are measured 2 hours after eating will be said normal if blood sugar levels ranges between 70-145 mg / dL. whereas if we ignores eating schedule the range of normal eating schedule will 70-125 mg /dl.
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